Digestif: Eddie Shepherd’s “The Walled Gardens“, Japans Esskultur Pt. 3, Berries and Spice in Peru und mehr.
Newsletter Nr. 35
Hier kommt der Popchop-Recap mit Beiträgen von unserer Website und unseren Socials. Heute schauen wir in das Londoner Restaurant „The Walled Gardens“, erneut nach Japan, nach Arequipa in Peru und in Viola Waldecks Frühstücks-Rezeptküche.
Eddie Shepherd’s Underground Plant-Based Fine Dining
While researching recipes for my own dinner, Ioana stumbled upon Eddie Shepherd and was instantly captivated by his intricate techniques, palpable curiosity, and delicate plating style. There's much more to Eddie than meets the eye – a testament to the fact that his tables at The Walled Gardens are booked months in advance.
Japans Esskultur Pt. 3
Land der aufgehenden Wonne: Was wir uns von der japanischen Ess- und Trinkkultur abschauen könnten – und was lieber nicht.
von Katharina Seiser
Teil 3 der Serie: Diesmal – all about Omakase.
Berries and Spice in Peru Part 2 – Guinea Pig
“It is the first of January. 6:25 a.m., to be exact and I am wide awake. Not because I stayed awake as I normally do for New Year’s, but because I was so dead tired the previous night that I couldn’t care less about New Year’s. I am motivated to go out and discover Arequipa (my first stop between Lima and Cusco).“
Rezept: Nori French Toast mit Sichuan-Gremolata
von Viola Waldeck
Ausgabe 1
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